How To Get A Girlfriend As An Introvert

How To Get A Girlfriend As An Introvert

For many, dating seems like a nightmare. The chore of having to be socially outgoing even for a short time is impossible. For introverts, that is exactly how it feels. Being an introvert means that it is so much easier for you to be alone, to not have to talk to others. So when it comes to dating, the challenge is quite real.

Making More Of An Effort

An introvert is about to challenge themselves more than ever before. When an introvert decides that it is time for a girlfriend, they have to make an effort that is difficult for them to do. They have to leave their comfort zone and put themselves in public more. This is likely the only way they will be able to meet someone. Being the loner that you are, it is easier for you to stay home curled up by yourself.

Now is the time to put yourself into social situations like you have never really done before. Ask your friends to assist you by going with you. Having a familiar person there will help ease your level of anxiety. If this friend is an extrovert, that is even more beneficial. This person can help break the ice.

Online Dating

Basically, any dating site would be good for you to join. Zoosk, Match, and even Tinder. When you join up, you fill out your profile and add some great photos of yourself. In a catchy phrase, introduce yourself. Let others know what you are looking for and more about you.

When you begin having a conversation with a match and yet before the first date is made, you should make mention of being an introvert. By doing so, it will prevent the woman from thinking she did something wrong if you are not speaking much, and it will explain the behavior that you exhibit when in public.

The Meet Up

When you decide it is time to meet up with this person, you would be wise to pick a location that you know well. Some place that you are comfortable at. Hopefully, where you may know one or two other people.

Practice talking to yourself in a mirror beforehand. Ask open-ended questions and give complete answers. This will help you when the time comes to actually be talking in real life. It will also help if you can fake it, act like you know people where you go. This does not need to involve long conversations. Just a quick hello. Will oftentimes settle the nerves down.

Being an introvert myself, I find that a smile goes a long way. When you smile and say ‘Good Morning’ to even one person, it does become easier.

How To Find A Girlfriend As An Introvert

>>Also Read: How To Date If You Are An Introvert

Remember Your Limits

There are just places that are not accessible to an introvert. Such as a busy nightclub or similar situation where talking is a necessity. Do not agree to meet at a place you know that you cannot handle. If, for some reason, you go ahead and make an effort for your date, be sure to explain that you are an introvert who does have a difficult time in social situations. Hopefully, your reaction to a busy place and the need to leave will not be the end of dating this person.


For your own sake, get out of your house. Go anywhere just to get used to being in public. You can start out slow, one place a day where you need to interact with others. Then increase it to busier and busier places. With any luck at all, your friends will be there to help you get through this stage.

Try New Things and Activities

Try a new activity that may not involve speaking to lots of people. Sometimes talking to one stranger at a time can help you. I would not suggest dating another introvert, however. The relationship will become boring and dull quickly.

Consider The Person You Will Be Dating

It would be great to find someone who can make you challenge yourself. For instance, an extrovert who is a social butterfly. This means you will be put into social situations more often if you want to date this person.

Practice Small Talk

Think of a variety of subjects. Some that can be easier to talk about. Small talk is always easier, especially when you practice. If this girl asks a question, be sure to answer it with more than one-word answers. Add some details and make it a complete answer.

Show Your Interest

Let the girl know that you are interested. Look her in the eyes when speaking, smile, and focus. All girls like to be focused on, and yours is no different. Make a full effort to get to know her while at the same time letting her get to know you.

Be Yourself

Do not try to be someone you are not. Be you and she will be interested. Be honest, and she will likely help bring you out of that shell.

For many, dating seems like a nightmare. The chore of having to be socially outgoing even for a short time is impossible. For introverts, that is exactly how it feels. Being an introvert means that it is so much easier for you to be alone, to not have to talk to others. So when it…