When two people are in a relationship, and they have both agreed to the relationship as a monogamous one, that would mean that if one of you is browsing an online dating site, it can be considered the same as cheating. Yes, many couples will outright say that looking is not the same as being with them.
A relationship is not a 50-50 deal. Both parties must put their all into the relationship. If one is not doing so, they are not giving 100% effort to maintain the relationship.
Is Using Online Dating Apps While In A Relationship Clearly Cheating?
Cheating is not a clear cut issue. The two people in a relationship must be on the same level. Such as are they committed to each other? Is this a monogamous relationship? What does each party consider cheating? When all those questions have been discussed satisfactorily for both parties, they will then know what cheating means to each. If one of you feels that it would be cheating if the other was on an online dating site, the answer is a resounding YES! Both of you must agree that it is okay for you to look at others.
Cheating Or Looking?
It would be difficult to label looking as cheating. One can easily look at a menu but not order more than one entree. It is also almost impossible to tell a partner to look at the opposite gender. Responsible adults have careers and other responsibilities to maintain. Very seldom will you find a place of employment where there is only one gender working. Even church groups are most often mixed.
For one person to not look at the opposite gender in employment settings or church, even in a supermarket, could be considered rude and disrespectful. However, looking at the opposite gender can easily turn into cheating if one party takes that look further and begins an intimate ordeal with the person.
Is It Emotional Cheating?
The simple act of looking online at eligible partners is considered cheating in an emotional manner. When the partner finds out, this hurts them to the core. They begin to wonder what they did or didn’t do to ‘force’ their partner on a dating site. If you are that person stop. This is not your fault; you are not the one to blame. They are.
Are You In an Open Relationship?
Are you in a serious relationship, but you and your partner feel it is okay to be with others, then you are in an open relationship. Meaning that even if you hit the proverbial home run with someone other than your partner, it is not considered cheating.
With the variety and multitude of the many forms of sexual orientation around us all today, it is easy to admit if you are confused. Just recently, I read a new one, ‘polyamory’. This is just my personal opinion; however, this means that you find a desire, interest, or sexual response to more than one person at a time, maybe different genders. Okay, so apparently, I grew up many moons ago. To me, this means cheating.
This means you are likely bisexual if you enjoy being sexual with both genders. Poly means more than. Mono would be single. Amor is love. Simple right? Not so, say the experts. We now have non-binary, bisexual, gay, and many more. Confusing to me, to say the least. You are either a male or female having sexual liaisons with another male or female. Again, if the person who is considered your main partner has agreed to multiple relations, then, by all means, go for it.
What Does The Law Say?
Using dating apps while in a relationship is considered cheating and can be considered grounds and evidence in a divorce. Profiles on online dating can be used as evidence in a divorce hearing, but certain requirements must be met for the evidence to be admissible.
Online Cheating
This would also mean that the same is true for online looking. Since it would be difficult for one person to state what should or should not be considered cheating, this is the topic of conversation with your partner BEFORE you decide to look or act upon your desires.
When a person looks at others online when they are already in a relationship, it is considered micro-cheating. Often-times considered to be flirting, the micro-cheat does not involve any exchange of any body fluids. No kissing, no sex. However, the act of flirting many times involves innuendos, sexually-based emojis, which is considered cheating.
Is Being On A Dating Site Cheating? – Final Thoughts
To phrase it in a simple manner for all to understand, any inappropriate behavior to someone other than your partner is cheating. Something as small as hitting the like button on an old social media post that is sexual in nature is micro-cheating.
If, in your relationship, you had previously mentioned being in a monogamous relationship and one or both of you are interested in looking for more pleasure, have an updated conversation and discuss all that it would entail. When the conversation is held, the air will be cleared as to what you consider cheating.
I personally believe that No, Being On Dating Apps Is NOT Cheating. Don’t get me wrong, it is still not ok, but I wouldn’t call it cheating either. People often use online dating apps for gratification and although that is not very healthy, in my opinion, is not as unhealthy as cheating.