Can Online Dating Lead To Marriage

Can Online Dating Lead To Marriage?

Marriages happen daily all over the world. Years ago, one would never imagine that you could meet someone online through a dating app. Mainly because online dating has not been around all that long, but also because even when it first began, there was doubt that people could meet their life partner on the internet. Today, with online dating sites such as Tinder, BumbleeHarmony, Match, ChristianMingle, and so many more, even the thought of marriage with someone you have met online is more than possible. It does happen every day, all over the world!

Staggering Statistics

The dating to marriage statistics for online dating are truly staggering. It is estimated that 20% of marriages are because of online dating. Approximately 53% of worldwide marriages are due to arranged marriages. This means that only 27% of marriages worldwide are due to what some call the tried and true method. This means meeting someone in real life and then getting married to them is only slightly more common than online dating marriages that occur.

The Transition Stage

Studies also reveal that marriages are happening in a shorter time when the two are online dating. This is simply explained by saying that those who have become members of an online dating site or two are more interested in marriage than those who meet in real life and date after meeting at a local club. This could mean that online dating has drawn in the clients who realize that chance meetings in a bar or dance club could likely be short term relationships where one or both parties do not make much effort to build a long-term relationship.

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Online Meetings

Those who meet online and begin dating via the internet, especially at times like the pandemic, tend to get to know each other in greater detail when talking. Their time together is not based on any sexual intimacy at this point. They spend their time either speaking on the phone, texting or messaging through the dating app they are on. Then there is, of course, video chat available to them also. When there are no other activities to keep them occupied other than talking, they form more of a bond and discover compatibility that may have taken years to find at other times. More talking turns out to be a good thing during this pandemic.

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Not Always Ready

Meeting your partner in real-life settings such as high school and dating for years does not necessarily mean that you are destined to be married. It may mean that if you have been dating for years, you are unsure of the match, you are not ready to be married or the relationship is convenient the way it is for both of you. Neither one of you is ready to move forward.

Whereas, those who take the time to join a dating site online are putting an effort forward finding that relationship that will lead to marriage. They are ready emotionally, mentally, and financially for a long term relationship.

Online Dating and Marriage

Online Dating Is Positive

That is, for most people, online dating is a positive experience. For some though, they feel that they are getting harassed if they do not respond right away, or that they receive rude and explicit messages when they do not respond the way a person wants them to.

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Greater Amounts Of People

When dating online, people have many more possibilities in front of them. Yes, they can swipe left or right, whichever they choose. The point is there are more potential dates on the screen in front of them than they are likely to see in a bar, at a store, or even at a church. Between all the choices, they would be able to choose at least one that is compatible with them. Users also have the ability to delete the profile if it does not interest them. This is not possible for in-person blind dates or meetings with others.

Successful And Happy Marriages

People believe that the algorithms many online dating sites use is what is the possible reason that so many online marriages work out. This process enables closer matches for compatibility, therefore more in common, which leads to less strife. Another contributing factor of successful marriages is the ease of use for these platforms. There is more likely going to be fewer nerves or tension when two people meet online and begin to get to know each other. Inhibitions are less when talking online to someone. People realize they have nothing to lose and are safer than being face to face with a person. When people get to know each other by speaking truthfully, the bond of trust begins earlier.

This is not to say that the old fashioned way of meeting new people or your future spouse is limited to only online dating. There is much to be said for the real-life methods of meeting in person, at school, work, or church. The majority of those marriages are also successful. So in all knowledge shared, it can only be assumed that the algorithm is the helpful factor.

>>Also Read: How To Date If You Want A Relationship

Marriages happen daily all over the world. Years ago, one would never imagine that you could meet someone online through a dating app. Mainly because online dating has not been around all that long, but also because even when it first began, there was doubt that people could meet their life partner on the internet.…