Best Online Dating Tips For Beginners

Best Online Dating Tips For Beginners

It is no secret that online dating is out there and used by millions of people. There are new people joining every day. Being new to online dating can be confusing and perplexing. Most can fill out the profile quickly and then start getting responses. However, if you rush into finishing your profile without thinking about what you are filling in, you may find you are getting lots of responses from the wrong type of people.

To put it simply, getting started and surviving online dating is tricky. Let’s see if we can make it a little easier for you.

>>Also Read: Should You Try Online Dating?

It Begins With Your Profile

The first thing you need to focus on is to make your profile stand out above the others. What you cannot do is make your profile the same as so many others. It is easy to say you like movies and love walks on the beach. That is such common words that most prospective partners will skim right past or click off your profile.

Think about different ways to say these things. Some way to describe you while stating what you are interested in. Do not make any statements that come across, making you sound like you are bragging, yet do not be overly shy.

Here is a quick example; “I enjoy watching films that allow two or more people to critique and have fun conversations about. Sauntering along the beach slowly while the waves gently roll in is a relaxing activity I would like to enjoy with you.”

Do you see the difference between the common lines and then expressing in a more colorful and clear manner?

Make Some Time To Focus On Dating

We are all super busy with work and family, friends, and chores. This is completely understandable; however, if you have decided that it is time to look for romance, then, the same as all other activities you do, make an effort to find the time. Looking for love online is impossible if you spend two minutes right before you fall asleep quickly, responding to the people who sent messages. You cannot plan to spend just two minutes when you go to have coffee with a friend or drinks after work. It is no different with online dating.

Online Dating Tips For Beginners

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Online Dating

Yes, like all other things in life, there are ways to do things when it comes to online dating.

  1. Be confident when you send your first message to someone that interests you.
  2. Make sure if you have signed up a computer, download the mobile app version so that you do not leave potential dates waiting. You can respond on a break or your lunch hour.
  3. Stop looking for what you have already dated. If it did not work then, it will not now.
  4. Don’t skim past every profile because it is too much of the same. They do not have the help you do when setting up their profile. Be patient and read the whole profile, do not check them off immediately.

Be Safe and Cautious

Do not get freaked out here; most people online are safe. However, you do want to be safe when it comes to setting up the first date. The first date should be set for a public place, not a movie theater where it is dark; make it a restaurant where there are other diners or a coffee shop. It may be that you worried for no reason, but best to be cautious. If and when the time comes where you start texting each other, do not text more than necessary. Too much texting can scare a person away.

Honesty Is Always The Best Policy

As tempting as it is, do not post any pictures that are not recent of yourself. You would not want to find out the person you are meeting looks nothing like the picture they posted, do not do that to them. The time will come when you may want to show the high school photos and the snapshots from college parties.

The same as your words. Do not lie about your job or career. How can there be any trust between two people if one starts out lying about who they are and what they do? Being open to new places for a first date may be challenging, but it is possible. Consider places like a flea market or Art Show. Being unusual by suggesting one of these ideas will not only catch the other party’s attention, but it will also give you plenty to talk about during the first date.

Internet Dating Tips For Beginners

Be True and Be You

Again, do not start out a new possible friendship by telling untruths. A lie will always catch up to you sooner or later. The best choice is honesty at all times. Confidence does come from within you, and can only grow when you feel good about you.

Throw Out A Wide Net

Again, do not go online to any dating site, such as or, looking for the same type of person who you have been dating, and it has never worked out for you. When you start swiping left or right, be patient, and read the profile. You may not like guys with black hair, but don’t overlook them. Just like women, men may dye their hair too.

Do not look for a specific career in a partner, certain hobbies; it really is true, opposites do attract.

They May Be Nervous Too

Just like you, the person you go on the date with is probably just as nervous as you. Let me suggest you talk with a trusted friend that can help build you up before you go. Take you out of the shell you crawl in and help you be the cheerful and fun person you already are. The fact of whether the date turns into a second date does not matter. This is something new, and it is high time that you go and experience the new. You may be surprised that you just may gain a new friend even if you do not make a match.

It is no secret that online dating is out there and used by millions of people. There are new people joining every day. Being new to online dating can be confusing and perplexing. Most can fill out the profile quickly and then start getting responses. However, if you rush into finishing your profile without thinking…