What is Christian Dating Like

What is Christian Dating Like?

Today, thousands of people follow the majority when it comes to dating. Most of these people are in it for the fun, the thrill, and the satisfaction. Christian dating is unlike any of that. When you are a true Christian, you follow God’s word. This is set out in the Bible, the Quran, or other books for other religions. To say it in layman’s terms, today’s dating scene is much like test driving a vehicle. You see one you like, you take it for a test drive. Then when you are bored with it, you return it and choose a different model. This is not how it is meant to be, according to Christianity.

Here Are a Few Things To Know About Christian Dating

Sometimes We Are Fooled

There are thousands of dating sites online. There are some that claim to be dating sites for Christians such as faith.com and christianmingle.com. Is it possible to find a date online when you are a Christian? This will depend on your faith. It will depend on the clientele allowed to register on these sites.

Not all online dating sites cater to Christians. When you have doubts about the online dating site you are visiting, log off. There are many Christians and others who are unable to meet many people in real life. For them, online dating will possibly help them find the right person for them.

Online dating is not originally part of Christian dating, but that does not make it wrong if you are true to yourself and especially to your God. We know there is no how-to book for dating when you are Christian. The Bible is the closest you will find to give a step by step instruction on how to be a Christian and find love.

Be True And Honest

This means do not try to be someone you are not. Finding love is based on truth and honesty, commonalities, and differences. If you are not being true to who you are and what you believe in, then you are not being honest to yourself first and foremost.

God Is Number One

Always remember that your faith must be the priority in life. Do not give in to temptations of the human flesh before the time is right. God is always by your side and will help you through all situations. Remain strong in your faith, and any potential partner will not only understand your beliefs, they will follow them also because they share these beliefs.

Build On Friendship

Oftentimes, we forget that being friends first makes it worthwhile in our lives. Friendship is built on the same values and beliefs as dating and marriage. Friendship is quite possibly the prelude to a happy marriage, so do not allow yourself to not look further than the friendship. Remember, with God, all things are possible.

What is Christian Dating

What Are Your Intentions

Honesty means being truthful; what are your intentions with this person, for you, in your future? If you want a huge family, say so. Be proud of those dreams. It is necessary to have conversations about what you each want in life. Two people cannot form a good marriage if one does not feel ready for that step. Just as one cannot be a great parent if they do not want to have children. These are the important topics that couples need to build on. You want your partner to feel the same as you as far as marriage and children. It is not enough to want to save the world ecologically or to spend your lives as a missionary in foreign countries if one wants to have stability and start a family when the other does not.

The Morals Of Dating

If you are not in the relationship for the long haul, avoid the temptations. Stick to your boundaries, and do not allow anyone to make you feel bad about those decisions. Respecting one another is the basis for a strong relationship. Short term relationships will provide the physical gratification one may seek. Still, it will also cost one the self-respect if they give in to the urges. Treat all people that you meet with respect; we never know who our life partner will be until the time it happens.

The First Date

When the date is set, you want to be sure to dress appropriately. Do not dress to purposely ignite temptation. Dress in a manner that shows your values, your morals, and your beliefs. Set boundaries and be prepared to follow your date’s boundaries. There is no reason to lie about you or who and what you are. Do not exaggerate to make yourself sound and look better. Truth is best, and lies are always discovered.

What is Christian Dating Looks Like

The Differences

The only difference between dating and dating as a Christian is that you follow the commandments. You need to be true to yourself and your faith. Do not lead your date into temptation. Do not ignore a friendship that may blossom into much more. God’s intention is that two people learn to grow a relationship from the beginning. To learn to trust and believe in, to be honest, and open.

Dating Did Not Exist

If you read the Bible and listen to Christian words, there was no such thing as dating in the Bible. Back centuries ago, there were arranged marriages. There were courtship standards in place that the two people followed. In these, two people learned to trust each other; they dealt with differences by way of man. In the Bible, we are told that men lead the relationship, and women should be subservient. This does not mean that a man can lead a woman in harm’s way, or against her beliefs and values.

The Final Standard

God has instructed two people to date with purity. This is meant as no sexual intimacy before the marriage. The sexual gratification is to come after two people become one in the eyes of God.

Today, thousands of people follow the majority when it comes to dating. Most of these people are in it for the fun, the thrill, and the satisfaction. Christian dating is unlike any of that. When you are a true Christian, you follow God’s word. This is set out in the Bible, the Quran, or other…