Should I Date Someone Who Is Bisexual

Should I Date Someone Who Is Bisexual?

Bisexuality is an attraction sexually towards both genders, male and female. It is a simple fact that we all want to date someone who treats us with respect, loves us, gives us butterflies, and makes us laugh. There are issues in dating a bisexual person if you are heterosexual. Many of these happen in heterosexual relationships on a daily basis, so most should not be considered any different if you are dating a non-hetero individual.

Here Are a Few Things To Consider When Dating a Bisexual

Jealousy and Being Insecure

These are two things that people feel no matter who they are dating. Whether they are guy, straight or bisexual, the feelings are present. Sometimes it pops up when you do not understand why. You later find out that your dating partner is bisexual. You realize the jealousy and insecurity stems from your date looking at the same sex, whether that is male or female.

Also, you may have been on a date when you noticed your date eyeing up the guy at the bar, trying to ignore it; you did not say anything. You feared this would make you a bad person. As the date progressed, you noticed he continued staring at other guys and asked why. This is when you found out that they are bisexual.

How Should You Respond To It?

You do not know how to feel about the revelation. He treated you nicely, with respect, and showed love and kindness. Right now, all you feel is jealousy; you are also scared of losing him to someone else. Sweetheart, that has nothing to do with your partner being bisexual! These are insecurity feelings you would be having even if he had been staring at other females.

Think About Yourself

You will sit and wonder if the date is comparing you with a man if he is weighing the sexual encounters between the two of you. You will also likely wonder if you can “turn” him from bisexual to completely straight.

Why are you letting this bother you so much? If you say something, will that make you a homophobe? Does that make you less of a person? Being in such a situation and the desire to remain in a dating relationship with him will require open and honest communication.

You will want to have a support group of a friend or therapist that you can speak with during this confusing time. Also, you will have many questions, many doubts, and many fears about losing the partner and then wondering if they will leave you for the other man.

You will also need to discuss the urge to go spend time with the bisexual person. Would you be able to handle this happening? In all truth, if you are in a relationship with someone, even one who informs you they are bisexual, cheating is cheating. Do you believe that the relationship is strong enough to withstand his extra sexual partners?

If your religious belief states that same-sex attraction is a sin, you need to leave the relationship. If you cannot mentally deal with the idea of your date also being sexually active with the same sex, you should not be in the relationship.

On the other hand, if you have the capability to remain open-minded, if you are not the jealous or insecure type, this bisexual you are dating may add interesting aspects to your relationship.

Bisexuality is an attraction sexually towards both genders, male and female. It is a simple fact that we all want to date someone who treats us with respect, loves us, gives us butterflies, and makes us laugh. There are issues in dating a bisexual person if you are heterosexual. Many of these happen in heterosexual…