What To Do On A First Date With A Guy You Met Online

What To Do On A First Date With A Guy You Met Online

After talking for a couple of weeks, you and the guy you met online are ready to meet up in person. The first date is always nerve-wracking, so you really want to pick the best idea for the both of you. What are the best options for the first date? Again, it may be easier if you do not think of it as a date, think of it as a meet-up. When deciding what to do, you want to have it as a mutual idea; you want to feel safe yet comfortable.

Meet At a Public And Well Lit Place

Yes, we have all heard it before safety first. Whether it is day or night when you first meet, make it a public place. The parking lot should also be well lit. There is much to be said about having other people in the same place. It is not something anyone wants to think about. Still, if something does happen, other people can give descriptions if needed.

Go For a Drink or Coffee

Going for a coffee or a drink is always a good choice. If, for some reason, you two do not connect, one drink and you can leave. The same goes for a coffee shop, except you may be able to take the coffee with you.

Bowling or Something Else??

Yes, bowling is a casual date, yet it can be fun and competitive. The bowling alley is public, so safety is there. Other ideas include going to a gym if you both work out. Hit up the local museum; whether it is a history museum or an art museum, you will detect each other’s interests.

Visit a Theme Park

Everyone wants a thrill once in a while. Going to a theme park is not only fun, but it also gives you a chance to talk as you are walking. There are other people around you, so you are not alone. You can be yourself; you can act like a kid if you want. Theme parks are great places to have fun. This may also give you a clue to whether the relationship will be full of fun or not.

Visit a Comedy Club or Karaoke Bar

Go to a comedy club and see how your sense of humor matches up. This setting is great for a few laughs, at least. There are many bars and other places that have Karaoke singing. This could be interesting too. Can your date carry a tune, or does he fall flat? Maybe a duet will happen with the right combination.

Be Ready For Romance

For those who are ready to test the romantic waters, many locations have a movie night under the stars, basically a new way of drive-in movies. A fancy restaurant is always an ideal setting for a magical evening together.

Walk and Talk or Sing-Along

For many, the idea of walking alone along the beach with your date might sound scary if you do not know each other that well. However, there are many locations that have plenty of lights nearby. I am also sure that you will not be the only people thinking the same way.

If you want to ensure there are people around, agree on a live music event near you. This allows for singing, dancing, and maybe talking.

Above All, Stay Safe

There are so many possibilities for a first date that will keep you safe, be in public, and still allow for a fun time together. You could pack up a picnic, and head to a park, volunteer at the local food bank or shelter; there is the animal shelter that can always use volunteers. Help paint a retirement building.

Pretend To Be a Tourist

Whether he comes to your town, or you go to his town, being a tourist can be fun. You can walk around your town, showing your date all the fun places you hung out when you were younger. Who knows, maybe the local roller rink is still open so you can go for a spin together.

Visit a Zoo

So many bigger towns have zoos for the public to visit. What is more fun than checking out all the animals? Seeing animals that you may not have a chance to see otherwise.

Be Different

Rather than arranging a dinner date, set up a breakfast date. Not only is this unique, but it also allows you to leave quickly if you need to.

Take a board game with you and sit at the park to play. There are many games that are beginning to be life-size, which could make it all the more fun. Who could guess that you could play a life-size Jenga game and maybe have others join you also?

Get Together

Here is a unique idea that I will likely try now that I thought of it; it may be a first date or first meeting for the two of you; maybe arranging a blind date for a friend will work out amazingly well for all of you. You can bring a single girlfriend of yours, and he can bring one of his guy friends along. Neither of you needs to worry about being alone, and there is safety in numbers. It may also help as far as a conversation. Four people together would find it difficult to be silent the whole time.

Try a potluck picnic, whether just for the two of you, or you each bring one person as mentioned above. This is a rather interesting way of learning different people’s tastes. It only needs to be to bring your favorite food for a picnic. Yes, you may end up with a lot of chicken and potato salad, but if you say to make it something different, something they love, that it does not have to be picnic food. This will allow for variety and maybe a few surprises. Your tastebuds may get a treat.

Don’t Miss The Point Of The First Date

The point of a first date is to get to know each other a little more, to have fun and enjoy the company. As long as you can take all the possible safety precautions, your first date with the guy you met online could turn out to be fabulous.

After talking for a couple of weeks, you and the guy you met online are ready to meet up in person. The first date is always nerve-wracking, so you really want to pick the best idea for the both of you. What are the best options for the first date? Again, it may be easier…