Is Tinder Only For Dating

Is Tinder Only For Dating?

Getting a date on the Tinder app comes easy as it is the primary function of the app. Most individuals who get on the app, join with the sole intention of landing a hookup, or establishing a connection with someone that would lead to a long term relationship.

The question of whether Tinder is only for dating requires a definitive answer. Yes, this app serves a more extensive function other than dating, and the reasons for this answer will be revealed before the conclusions of this write-up. You should also note that Tinder users make use of the app for various reasons to satisfy their immediate needs or self-gratification. 

Users of Tinder and other online dating apps or websites are motivated on three grand scales, which include; Physical gratification, social gratification, and psychosocial gratification. These gratifications can be broken down into different parts, which include meeting new friends, meeting for casual sex, self-worth validation, among other things.

Apart from dating or finding a companion, some Tinder users use the app for different purposes, which is different from its regular use.

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Here Are A Few Things Tinder Is Used Except Dating

Self-worth Validation

Since the Tinder requirement of uploading pictures is one of the measures to secure a match on the app. most users make use of the app to know how others view their pictures. To assess the general response of the public as it concerns their appearance- a survey of some kind. Users like this most times do not look forward to meeting with new people or starting a relationship. They want to satisfy the curiosity of how some other strangers are viewing them.

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Just For the Pleasure

It should also be stated that a neurochemical is released into the brain, which comes with receiving a match. Getting a match on Tinder can spike a release of pleasurable reactions into the body, which is known as Dopamine. Dopamine is a function in the brain that plays a significant role in anticipation of rewards. Knowing that someone will acknowledge your picture on Tinder satisfies most users without meeting or hooking up with other users in real life. Therefore, someone users are on the app are only there for the excitement and emotions attached to meeting someone.

To Boost Morale

The use of the Tinder app can boost a user’s self-esteem with the knowledge of gaining approval from others. It can also break a user’s self-esteem when their pictures are not acknowledged on the app.


Like many other social media platforms, most users of Tinder makes use of the app because it is trendy and accepted by people who are in the same age bracket with them. This can be tagged as a bandwagon effect and also to cancel the fear of missing out. This results in users who make use of the app without the intention of finding a soul mate or potential partner. Most users make use of Tinder for a thrill of excitement, which includes the trendiness.

What is Tinder For Apart From Dating

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Casual Sex and Hookups

As an app whose majority users are adulating youths, most users are not often concerned with finding a partner or lover but to exploit the app by meeting with users who they can hook up with or a casual sex relationship. Many types of research revealed that most male users on Tinder shows a higher need for casual sex than female users. 

Communication – Make New Friends and Avoid Awkwardness

Some users of Tinder make use of the app to meet with strangers and start a relationship with them, which is plainly platonic. Most people who are comfortable with meeting with new people online find it useful to make use of the app. It also eliminates all forms of awkwardness for people who are not socially comfortable with meeting strangers or people physically. Tinder users who make use of the platform for this purpose are more likely not to meet with each other physically and still maintain their friendship on the app. It is also financially comfortable as these type users most times wouldn’t need to take their match somewhere for a date.

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Some users make use of Tinder for a purpose that is a different motive from the above-listed uses. This involves using Tinder as a campaign tool for politicians and to create health awareness among other users. People behind these campaigns often make use of the Tinder model, which symbolizes dating/hooking up. For example, a user who wants to create awareness about the dangers of cigarettes will focus on a campaign that smoking is unalluring. This involves creating two different accounts, one representing a smoker and the other representing someone who doesn’t smoke. It is inevitable that the account whose profile doesn’t exhibit a smoker’s lifestyle will get many more right swipes and approval. Other forms of campaigning include creating awareness for non-consensual sex workers in order to make users take note of signs of any forced sex workers in their dates. 

As regards its use for politicians, several supporters have launched into Tinder as a means to campaign for the candidate of their choice and even certain politicians make use of it by getting people around to create accounts so as to chat with Tinder users about the need to vote and to support their candidate of choice in a coming election.


Most digital marketers have maximized the use of Tinder to market their goods to other users since they can reach a broad and unsuspecting audience. This involves the use of ads for the promotion of their businesses.

Is Tinder Only For Dating? – Final Thoughts

With the massive acceptability and use of Tinder around the world, it is safe to note that this app can be subjected to use in diverse degrees in the hands of its users in as much it doesn’t kick against the regulation laid down by the app owners. Different users have different motives and intentions of using the app, just as it applies to other social media platforms. Tinder users make use of the app for dating and promotion of their brands or interests.

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Getting a date on the Tinder app comes easy as it is the primary function of the app. Most individuals who get on the app, join with the sole intention of landing a hookup, or establishing a connection with someone that would lead to a long term relationship. The question of whether Tinder is only…