Is Cheating Okay

Is Cheating Okay?

The answer to this question will likely depend on if you are the cheater or the one being cheated on. Cheating does go against all vows made when the couple got married. According to the word of God, cheating is a sin. To answer this question, one must also look inwards and consider their values, their morals, and the beliefs they hold. We may also ask if cheating can be justified. That again falls back to your morals and values.

Why Do People Cheat and Is It Ever Ok?

There could be many reasons given as to why a person cheats in a relationship. Have they justified reasons? Again morals, ethics, and beliefs. One reason given that many people believe should be justified is Revenge Cheating.

Revenge Cheating

This is a wow, to me. One person in the relationship has a one night stand with someone from their work. They are completely remorseful and apologize for their infidelity. Maybe the other “He did it, so I am doing it”. Think about this, though. Most of us were taught in Sunday School and regular School that two wrongs do not make it right. Before you jump in feet first with the belief of getting revenge, remember that it will only add to the problems.

No Sex In The Marriage

This is a doozy; one of you is not getting action at home. You have a strong appetite, so you go looking for some playtime. While it is true that the sexual appetites may differ in the marriage, this is no reason to go searching for a new playmate. This is also a definite no! Not only is it unfair to your spouse, but you could also bring home an STD and cause even more problems. The lack of a sexual desire is something that can be discussed between the two and with a physician. Doing the responsible action is much more appropriate and will not hurt your spouse. Think of those vows that you spoke.

Is It Ok To Cheat

The Marriage Was Over

On the surface, this is also a no go! The two of you may have decided it is over, but have you legally separated and filed paperwork for a divorce? Even if you have, you are legally married in the eyes of the law and God until the divorce is finalized. With God, it is another story. You vowed to be married to that spouse until death do you part. So that will forever remain between you and your God.

The Door Is Open

Again, an open marriage in the eyes of the church and God is also wrong. The fact is though that open marriages are becoming more and more common. So, in essence, this would be the ONLY time where cheating on your partner is accepted by him or her. Just remember, do not be jealous when they tell you that they have the chance also.

The answer to this question will likely depend on if you are the cheater or the one being cheated on. Cheating does go against all vows made when the couple got married. According to the word of God, cheating is a sin. To answer this question, one must also look inwards and consider their values,…