Famous People On Tinder

Famous People On Tinder

Over the years, the stigma of using an online dating site has diminished. It is no longer a thing to be ashamed of. Millions of people across the globe are using or have used online dating sites. Many people you know, many that you don’t know, and many that you would not think of needing to use an online dating site because of who they are. This is not true, though! Famous people are human. Also, they search for love just like you, and I do. Tinder, being one of the top sites for online dating, is one that many celebrities have ventured forth and have used. Many have come forward and let the world know they have done so.

Marshall Mathers AKA Eminem

Yes, we know him as Eminem. He admitted in a recent interview that since his divorce, he was having a difficult time in the love department. Eminem went one step further and admitted using Tinder and also visiting strip clubs. Love is a place in life where you must be ready for it. If you are not past the past, you cannot move forward. 

Celebrities On Tinder

Katy Perry

Before dating Orlando Bloom, Katy found herself in the position of not finding love. She admitted to being deep into Tinder but also admitted she did not have a lot of time. Lucky Ms. Perry rekindled her romance with Orlando Bloom and recently gave birth to their daughter.

Zac Effron

Zac came forward and admitted he tried to use Tinder. His complaint, however, is one that many celebrities have. He did not get very many matches, the assumption being that most believed it was a fake profile. 

James Franco and Britney Spears

Neither have made much in the way of public comments, but Tinder has since stated that they verify celebrity accounts with a blue checkmark. So as you are swimming right and left, be sure to swipe right on both of these. You never know if they will show up online or respond. Take the chance.

Lindsey Lohan

When admitting she used Tinder a few years back, Miss Lohan let it slip that she had found her brother on the Tinder app.

Ronda Rousey

Under a fake name, Brynn Campbell, Rousey admits that she had used Tinder. However, she is no longer using the app as she has since married a fellow athlete. 

Hilary Duff

During the divorce she was going through, Duff had admitted to using Tinder. Aside from an okay bowling date, she does not make much comment. She has since stopped using the dating site and has decided to wait until love finds her.

Celebrities Using Tinder

Ryan Lochte

While participating in the Olympic games, Lochte admitted he tried using the app after hearing about it. Apparently, he no longer needs the app as he and his fiance recently had a baby.

Chelsea Handler

Chelsea has no problem admitting she uses Tinder and many other apps. When on the road, doing what she does best, she openly states if she wants it, she will find a hook-up no matter where she is at. 

Adam Rippon

Adam is one of the lucky ones who not only used Tinder but found the love of his life on the app. Adam and his boyfriend are still strong and in love since 2018. 

James Charles

This lovely beauty was banned from Tinder. They had a love-hate relationship anyway, so it is no surprise that he jumped off and joined a different matchmaking site.

Mila Kunis

Yes, even Mila is or was on Tinder. This was by way of her honey asking her to check it out. Stating that Ashton Kutcher does seek her advice about the many financial opportunities that come his way. So yes, you may have found her on Tinder, but she is not there looking for love.

Celebrities Using Tinder – Final Thoughts

Celebrities are real people. They search for love too. They may live in Hollywood and mingle with other stars; this does not mean that they easily find a love match with another celebrity. So as you are swiping, look closely at the profile; you may have the chance to match up with your celebrity crush.

Over the years, the stigma of using an online dating site has diminished. It is no longer a thing to be ashamed of. Millions of people across the globe are using or have used online dating sites. Many people you know, many that you don’t know, and many that you would not think of needing…