Does Tinder Have Bots

Does Tinder Have Bots?

Recognized for being one of the smoothest and obviously, most popular online dating apps; unfortunately, however, Tinder does have bots.

Unlike fake profiles, bots are computer run accounts. Account bots are more difficult to spot than fake profiles are. There are many things to watch out for when you are online, and we will list some of the ways to determine if it is an account bot.

Here Are A Few Tips To Recognize Tinder Bots

Live Refusal

After talking for a period of time online, most people decide to share phone numbers or to meet up in real life. This is not the case for a bot. When they seem to be avoiding the subject of meeting or speaking on the phone, it is a safe bet to say they are likely bots.

Financial Requests

You may find that a couple of conversations in, this ‘person’ is asking for financial help. Whatever the emergency story is, they will need some money from you to help them. Avoid this at all costs! This is just a scam, do not get sucked into it.

Personal Details

Even if you have been speaking for quite a long time, there is no reason anyone would need to ask a barrage of personal information questions. There is no doubt that some matches will ask about your job, where you live and other types such as that. However, where you bank, what your social security number is, what kind of car you drive, or even what street you live on are none of their business. Some of these things are not shared with a spouse, such as social security information. When you are asked these things, report the profile and block it from contacting you.

Click The Link

Ouch! You may seem to get along with this person very well. However, any pictures they want to share can be uploaded to the profile they have. Just as any link to a special game they want you to play, yeah, well, they are playing you. Most often, these supplied links are methods they use to get personal information from you. Same as asking too many questions, they are after bank account information and any other information they can garner from you that can be beneficial to them.

tinder bot

Long Term Promises

Be wary of the ones that start talking long term relationships immediately. Even the ones that ask you to commit to them in some way before you even meet are the ones to avoid. These profiles avoid any discussion of meeting up in real life, speaking on the phone, or video chats. They also refuse to share any other social media accounts.

Reverse Search

There are times when you can help yourself out before it goes too far. Copy and paste the picture that they have used for the profile picture into the google search. Watch what comes up in the search. You will likely find it is a stock photo that any person can grab. If there are more pictures, do the same with those. This is a very quick way to discover if you are being had. Again, report the profile and block them from contacting you.

Moving Conversations

Sometimes these profiles or bot accounts will attempt to have you move all conversation onto a different platform, such as Facebook messenger or yahoo chat.

Immediate Responses

Beware of the instant response if you just matched. It is very seldom that both can be online at the same time when the match happens.

No Other Social Links

If there is nothing else linked to this profile, such as a linked in account, an Instagram, or even Facebook. These scammers do not usually bother making a complete profile. When you see a profile with barely any information, this is a warning to you.

Does Tinder Have Bots – Summary

So, Yes, Tinder does have bots and most of these are out to do is cause serious harm to you or those you love. They do this by way of robbery or blackmail. It can also be harmful to you emotionally if you felt that you were building some connection there.

In the United States alone, the Federal Bureau of Investigation received more than 465,000 calls and complaints of cybercrime in the last year. The total losses reported was over $3 million. Of those cases, almost 20,000 were romance or confidence scams. These could include such things as obtaining your address and sending you a check so that you can afford the trip to see them. After you deposit the check, they have a way of suddenly having an emergency, such as they forgot to pay rent. Can you send even half the amount back so they can pay their rent?

What happens is the check was no good. It was a fake check that you put into your account, you then withdrew money to send back to this person, and then you find out from the bank the issue is your fault. You now owe your bank all the money that you sent to this person. Not surprisingly, this person will not be able to be contacted by you now.

Beware though; these bot accounts are getting better at what they do. They no longer have empty or almost empty bio pages. Many of them will now have more than one or two photos on the profile. These people may even seem to have a relatability to them. There could be some commonalities with you, some interests you share.

No matter what, no matter the sweet words they may use, do not send money, do not accept money, and deposit it into your account. Turn it over to authorities and let them deal with these scammers.

Recognized for being one of the smoothest and obviously, most popular online dating apps; unfortunately, however, Tinder does have bots. Unlike fake profiles, bots are computer run accounts. Account bots are more difficult to spot than fake profiles are. There are many things to watch out for when you are online, and we will list some…